How to Pick a Good WordPress Theme

Congratulations! You’re ready for a new website.

This can be an exciting, but frightening experience. You have a vision of what you want, but you’re not quite sure how that will translate to a website.

In addition to your vision, you want to ensure your site performs well. So, how do you pick the best WordPress theme for your business site?

Let me help you.

Start with a Search

WordPress theme shopping is just like shopping for a new car. You have an idea of the features you want, but you need to look around to see which model you like the best.

Start with a Google search for ‘WordPress themes’.

This search query will give you many results for websites with themes from many different categories – eCommerce, agency, baby, videos, photography, etc.

Choose the category that pertains to your business. Once you have the themes that pertain to your industry, you can just go through each one to see which you like the best.

But wait, it’s not that simple. There’s more to it when you want to pick a theme that will perform well on Google.

What to Look for in a Good Theme

Attractiveness is just the first factor in choosing a WordPress theme. You need to consider a few other factors.

Theme Updates

Look to see when the last time the theme was updated. The Internet changes every single day, and themes need to change with it. If the theme hasn’t been updated in the last 6 months, move on to another one.

Number of Purchases/Downloads

Look for themes with a high number of purchases/downloads.

Do not worry that you’re choosing a site that many other people have because themes are just templates. You, or an experienced WordPress developer, will need to customize it to reflect your brand. Once it’s done, it won’t be like any other site.

The reason you want to choose a theme that many people have purchased/downloaded is because it tells you that it’s a good one. Others have used it and recommended it, which is why so many have chosen it.

Active Theme Support

The theme developers should be available for questions and help when needed. Many theme purchases come with limited time support, and then you can purchase support for a longer time.

Keep in mind that you may not need this theme support if you hire a WordPress developer to handle the customization and maintenance of your site.

Good Reputation

Look up the theme developers online to see how long they have been in the industry. The longer they’ve been developing themes, the better.

Reviews are always helpful. Read through them, but don’t throw out a possible theme because you see some negative reviews. A handful of people will complain if they download a theme and then aren’t able to work with it because they don’t have the skills needed to do so.

More Help Finding a Good Theme for Your Site

If you’ve looked for a theme before, you likely found that it can be difficult to choose just one of them. With so many available online, it can be downright overwhelming and confusing.

Allow The Webmaster Company to help you. We can narrow down the choices by selecting themes in your industry that not only look good, but perform well too.

Contact Patrick today for more information on how you can choose the best theme for your new business site.

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