The Internet changes every single day. You may not notice it because the Internet is so big, but it really is changing on a daily basis. Since it is evolving, your website can become outdated much sooner than you think.
When was the last time you redesigned your website?
Was it last year? The year before? Or the years before that?
It can be difficult to know when you should redesign your website. So many factors influence the timing of when your website needs a makeover.
Is It Responsive?
This is the first question you need to ask yourself. Does your website respond to mobile devices?
You can check this quickly by going to this website. This is Google’s tool that will tell you if your website is mobile friendly.
If your website is NOT mobile friendly, you need a redesign immediately. You could lose ranking because your website isn’t responsive.
Is It Fast?
Internet users are impatient. They don’t want to wait for site to load, no matter how cool it is once it does load.
Check your site’s speed by using GTMetrix. You can learn more about the importance of site speed by reading this blog post I wrote on the subject. It’s important to the success of your site online.
If your site fails the GTMetrix test with Rs, you need to redesign your website.
Is It Easy to Navigate?
Can your site users find what they need easily, or do they have to click through three or more pages to find some of your products or information?
User experience means a lot online, so you need to make sure your site provides the content people seek and make it accessible quickly and easily. You can test the user-friendliness of it by having some people test it out and then having them tell you what they think. The best place to ask this is online on websites such as Reddit, Quora or Warrior Forum. You could even ask us to review your website. We will tell you the truth.
Depending on the results of your survey, you may need to redesign your website. Basically, if people have a difficult time finding what they need on your site, you probably need to redesign it.
Is It Attractive?
Your site needs to look nice and professional. If your site doesn’t appeal to people who visit it, it’s likely they will leave it without converting.
Take a long, hard look at your site. Look at some other sites in your industry. Does yours measure up? If not, it’s time for a redesign.
So, How Often Do You Redesign a Website?
Usually, people will have their website redesign every two years, especially if the site hasn’t been updated through those years. You can usually save yourself from a redesign every two years by having a webmaster make changes to it regularly. This can keep you from having to pay a large sum of money for a completely new website.
Whether you’re looking for a new website design or want a webmaster to maintain your site, contact us. We can help ensure your site performs and provides what your users want, so you can be much more successful online.