Schema Markup with WordPress

If you’ve spent any time reading about digital marketing, it’s likely you’ve seen schema markup thrown around. As much as you want to ignore it, you really shouldn’t because it can help you with ranking.

How Schema Markup Helps with Ranking

Schema markup is basically a cheat sheet for Google. It gives them a snapshot of your website or webpage depending on what you’re marking up.

For example, if you have an article you want to markup, you simply create a code that includes information such as the publisher, publishing date, etc. An event would include the name of the event, time, date, and description. Local businesses can set up a schema markup with information about their location.

When this information is included in a site, Google crawls it and will process the information quickly and much more accurately.

Now, how does this all help you with rankings? Google wants to feel as though you’re providing value to your target audience. When you provide schema markups, you’re giving Google that value in a way that it understands. It has to work less to get it to its users. Google likes that, and when Google likes something, you may get rewarded.

How to Set Up Schema Markup

Some people avoid schema markup because they believe it’s too technical for them. The good news is that it’s really not. You have two options when it comes to schema markup.

You can use this site to create a code manually. You can tag parts of your site to complete the fields and then the site generate the code for you.

When you have the code, you should test it with Google’s testing tool on by clicking here.

You can then place the code on the page in the <head> section. The code will not display anything, but you do want it to be crawled first.

Using a WordPress Plugin for Schema Markup

If you want to use a plugin, I suggest the SEO Structure Data Schema Markup plugin. It includes the widest range of types, including local business, which many others don’t include. All you have to do is install the plugin, activate it, and then go into the settings to markup whatever page you would like to do.

Keep in mind, it’s not as cool as the one above where you can tag your site and then the fields are entered automatically. With this, you need to enter the information in manually. It’s not too bad. It really comes down to preference.

Need Help?

Do you need help with your schema markup for your WordPress site? If so, feel free to contact us. Our SEO specialists can help you create the schema markups for your site and even put them into your pages correctly. This way you know that you have what you need for Google.


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